


1. A. Siejak, D.Wrobel, R. M. Ion, Study of resoance effects in cobalt phthalocyanines, J. Photochem. Photobiol, A: Chem., 2006, 181 (2-3) pp/180-187

2. R. M. Ion, Photodynamic therapy: a new concept and a clinical reality for medicine, Acta Bio-optica et Informatica Medica, 1/2006, pp.37-49

3. R. M. Ion, Proc. Symp. Photonics Technologies for 7th Framework Programm, pp.312-315, 2006

4. R. M. Ion, D. V. Brezoi, I. Udrea, Sisteme supramoleculare gazda-musafir cu aplicatii biomedicale, Rev Chimie, 57(8), pp. 886-889(2006)

5. E. Stoykova, O. Sabotinov, R. M. Ion, R. Alexandrova, In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of phtalocyanins on animal and human cell lines, Laser Medical Sciences, 2006

6. R. M. Ion, D. V. Brezoi, Nanocomposite based on PPy with porphyrin-m-oxo-dimers, Nanotrends, 2006

7. E. Stoykova, K. Petrova, R. M. Ion, K. Nedkova, D. Wrobel, A. Dudkowiak, Monte Carlo study of optical dosimetry in a photodynamic treatment of tumors with different PS, Comptes Rendue Bulgarian Acad.Sci., 2006

8. R. M. Ion, S. Dreve, C. Gadea, Nanomaterials through molecular self-assembly for nanomedicine, JOAM, sumitted 2006

9. R. M. Ion, M. A. Calin, M. Neagu, G. Manda, C. Constantin, E. Radu, Biodistribution of TS4PP in K562 during PDT, TCRT, 2006

10. V. I. R. Niculescu, R. M.  Ion, C.Mardare, Image processing 2D delta approximation, Rom.J.Physics, 51(5-6) 663-666(2006)

11. V. I. R. Niculescu, R. M. Ion, C. Stancu, M. Leonovici, The post-gaussian wavelets, Analele Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, Vol.XLVI, 2005, Seria Fizica

12. R. M. Ion, S. Dreve, D. V. Brezoi, Chitosan-based biomaterials for laser / sensitizer assisted immunotherapy, Proc.TEHNOMUS XIV, Suceava, 2007, sub tipar

13. R. M. Ion, Sensibilizatori sinergici, Rev.Chimie, in press, 2007

14. R. M. Ion, S. Dreve, Nanobiomaterials through molecular self-assembly for nanomedicine, JOAM, In press, 2007

15. M. Perde-Schrepler, G. Chereches, S. Dreve, Terapia fotodinamica: mecanism de actiune si aplicatii in cancer, Radioterapie & Oncologie Medicala, 2007, XII(1): 25-30

16. R. M. Ion, S. Dreve, S. Pop, TSPP-chitosan blends. Preparation and physical properties, under publication in JOAM, 2007

17. R. M. Ion, D.V.Brezoi, A study on the photodynamic therapy of photosensitizer-coated magnetic nanoparticles, J. Optoel. Adv. Mat. 9(4)936-939(2007)

18. R. M. Ion, D. V. Brezoi, M. Neagu, G. Manda, C. Constantin, Laser effect in photodynamic therapy of tumors, Proc. SPIE, 6606, 66061G-660671G (2007)

19. R. M. Ion, M.A Calin, Comparative study of some nano and microsensitizers in photodynamic inactivation of microorganisms, J. Optoel. Adv. Mat. 9(4)1933-1938(2007)

20. S. Patachia, R. Ion, St. Varga, Porphyrin encapsulation in nanostructured hydrogels, J. Optoel. Adv. Mat. 9(4)1814-1820(2007)

21. M. Neagu, G. Manda, C. Constantin, E. Radu, R. M. Ion, Synthetic porphyrins in experimental photodynamic therapy induce a different antitumoral effect, J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 12(01) 58-65(2007)

22. E. Stoykova, K. Nedkova, O. Sabotoniv, R. M.  Ion, R. Alexandrova, In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of second generation PS for PDT, J. Optoel. Adv. Mat. 9(2) 490-493(2007)

23. R. M. Ion, Patricia del V. Repossi, G. Arguello, Porphyrin-tyrosine conjugate as synergic photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy, Rev.Chimie (Bucharest), 52(11), 2007

24. R. M. Ion, Photodynamic therapy: a photochemical concept for cancer therapy, Rev. Roum. Chim., 2007

25. D. V. Brezoi, R. M. Ion, Temperature effect on morphology and magnetic properties of iron oxides-polypyrrole nanocmposite, JOAM, 2007

26.  R. M. Ion, M. Neagu, G. Manda, C. Constantin, E. Radu, M. Calin, Mechanisms in photodynamic therapy, Photosensitizers and cellular localization on K562 cells, SPIE Proc., 6632, 6632Q, 2007

27. R. M. Ion, S. Dreve, Supramolecular Assemblies of Functional Nanoporphyrins in Therapeutics, IEEE Computer Society Press in press, 2008

28. Adriana Filip, S.Dreve, "Efects of pdt with 5-aminolevulinic acid and chitosan on walker carcinosarcoma" Experimental Oncology nr. 30, 3, 1-8

29. M. Perde-Schrepler, P.Virag, E. Fischer-Fodor, I. Brie, C.. Tatomir, O. Soritau, I. D. Postescu, G. Chereches, V. Cernea, S. Dreve, Photodynamic effect of a water soluble porphyrin evaluated on two cancer cell lines, J. Radiotherapy & Medical Oncology, 2008, XIV(3)