Implementarea tehnologiilor energetice curate prin dezvoltarea unui motor termic bazat pe aliaje metalice absorbante de hidrogen utilizând energie solara sau energii reziduale






   - „Metal hydride reactors with improved dynamic characteristics for hydrogen compression”, V.Almasan, A.Biris, I.Coldea, D.Lupu, I.Misan, G.Popeneciu, O.Ardelean, 5th Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes PIM , September 2007, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA.


      - „AB5-xMx type alloy selection, suitable for hydrogen compressor”  Ovidiu Ardelean, Alexandru Biriş, Dan Lupu, Gabriel Popeneciu, Ioan Coldea, Ioan Mişan, Valer Almaşan, 5th Conference on Isotopic and Molecular Processes  - PIM , September 2007, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA


     - "Development of composite  materials for hydrogen storage", E. Enescu, P. Lungu, S. Hodorogea,

The First european  conference on the application, integration, control, modelling,  testing, and intelligent control and intelligent modelling, of fuel cells and hydrogen applications and theirs economic/environment consequences: h2_fuel_cells millenium _ convergence,  Academia Romana, Bucuresti, 21-22 sept. 2007 


      - "Processing of some hydrogen storage metallic materials" M. Lucaci, E. Enescu, A. Biris, R. Orban, V.Tsakiris, L. Leonat, S. Hodorogea, Academia Romana, Bucuresti, 21-22 sept. 2007




     - "Fast metal hydrides reactors for hydrogen compression Popeneciu Gabriel, Almasan Valer,  Coldea, Ioan, Lupu, Dan, Misan, Ioan, “2nd EUChems Chemistry Congress”, September 16-20 2008, Torino, Italy


      - "The influence of substitution elements in LaNi5 upon H2 " Gabriel Popeneciu, Ovidiu Ardelean,  Valer Almaşan, Alexandru Biriş, Dan Lupu, 14th ICC, Seoul, Korea, iulie 2008




      -  "Investigation on a three-stage hydrogen thermal compressor based on metal hydrides" 

G Popeneciu, V Almasan, I Coldea, D Lupu, I Misan, O Ardelean, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca 400293, PO Box 700, Romania,

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics Publishing, UK ,Volume 182, 2009, 012053 (5pp)   doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/182/1/012053;


      -  "Metal hydrides reactors with improved dynamic characteristics for a fast cycling hydrogen compressor G Popeneciu, I Coldea, D Lupu, I Misan, O Ardelean , National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca 400293, PO Box 700, Romania,  Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics Publishing, UK ,Volume 182, 2009, 012054(5pp)   doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/182/1/012054;


      -  "Novel Hydrogen Compressor based on Hydrogen Storage of Metal Hydride Alloys " Gabriel Popeneciu, Valer Almasan, Adrian Bot, Ioan Coldea, Dan Lupu, Ioan Misan,3-th European Conference eHYDROGENIA© H2 FUEL CELLS MILLENIUM CONVERGENCE 2009, ISBN-ISBN-10: 973-1704-15-9; ISBN-13: 978-973-1704-15-9; Publishing House IPA; Printed at ECAS TRADE SRL, Bucharest, September, 2009


      - "Hydrogen storage of Metal Hydride Alloys in Development of Novel Hydrogen Compressors" Gabriel Popeneciu, Ioan Coldea, Valer Almasan, Dan Lupu, Ovidiu Ardelean, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, 400293, PO Box 700, Romania, EUROPACAT IX Congress, Catalyses for a Sustainable World, 30 August – 4 September, 2009, Salamanca Spain, Poster presentation on the section Hydrogen Production, Purification and Storage, EuropaCat IX Abstracts, P8-44, p 467.


      -  "Novel Hydrogen Compressor based on Hydrogen Storage of Metal Hydride Alloys " Gabriel Popeneciu, Valer Almasan, Adrian Bot, Ioan Coldea, Dan Lupu, Ioan Misan, The 3-rd European  & International Conference on Hydrogen & Renewable Energy Sources,  Hydrogen based energy storage, Renewables & Hydrogen, and theirs economic/environment  consequences:  eHYDROGENIA September  21-22, 2009,  Bucharest, ROMANIA,  Oral presentation, (


         -   "Investigation on a three-stage hydrogen thermal compressor based on metal hydrides"  author Gabriel  Popeneciu , International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 09, 24-26 September 2009 Cluj-Napoca Romania, Oral presentation (


        - "Metal hydrides reactors with improved dynamic characteristics for a fast cycling hydrogen compressor" Ioan Coldea, Gabriel Popeneciu, Ioan Misan, National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules PIM 09, 24-26 September 2009 Cluj-Napoca Romania,  Poster presentation  Topic T4-Hydrogen and renewable sources of energy (





   -  "Pleading for metal-organic frameworks", G. Blăniţă, O. Ardelean, D. Lupu, G. Borodi, M. Miheţ, M. Vlassa, I. Mişan, I.,Coldea, G. Popeneciu, 9th International Symposium of the Romanian Catalysis Society (ROMCAT 2010), June 23- 26, 2010, Iaşi, Romania; (oral presentations)

   - "Supported Pt and Pd catalysts for hydrogen adsorption in MOFs", O. Ardelean, G. Blăniţă, M. Miheţ, I. Coldea, D. Lupu, P.Palade, 9th International Symposium of the Romanian Catalysis Society (ROMCAT 2010), June 23- 26, 2010, Iaşi, Romania;

   - "Synthesis and characterization of coordination polymers obtained from Cu(II) and Ni(II) cyclam perchlorate and carmoisine", M. Vlassa, G. Borodi, A. Biriş, A. Bende, G. Blăniţă, D. Lupu, M. Vlassa, C. Silvestru, At The 7th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries, Bucharest, September 15-17, 2010;(prezentare orala)

   - „Mycrowave synthesis of MOFs under atmospheric pressure” G. Blăniţă1, O.Ardelean1, D.Lupu1, D.Lazăr1, Gh.Borodi1, A.Biriş1,  M.Vlassa2, E.Surducan1, I.Coldea1, I.Mişan1, V.Surducan1, G.Popeneciu1,  2nd International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds, September 2010, Marseille/France

   - „Parametric studies of metal hydrides reactors suitable for a solar powered water pump system”, G Popeneciu, I Coldea, I Misan, O Ardelean, G Blanita, 4 - rd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE eRENEWABLIA, eHYDROGENIA, eEFFICIENCIA 2010, Bucharest, Romania, September 20 - 21, 2010

   - Physical - structural characteristics of ti0,8zr0,2cr1,2mn0,8 hydrogen storage  alloy”, Vasile SOARE, Ioan SURCEL,Gabriel POPENECIU, Viorel BADILITA, Florin STOICIU,Victoria SOARE, Dumitru MITRICA, Marian BURADA, acceptat la publicare in Revista ,,Cercetari Metalurgice si de Noi Materiale’’ (revista cotata B+), august 2010

   - “First principles study and neutron diffraction investigation of Y3Ni13B2, Y3Co13B2 and Y3Ni10Co3B2; A comparison with related 1:5 systems”, N. Plugaru1, M. Valeanu1, D.P. Lazar1, R. Plugaru2 and J. Campo, Psi-k      2010 Conference, Berlin September 12 – 16, 2010

        - “Solid-state synthesis and spark plasma sintering of SrZrO3 ceramics”, B Popescu; S Enache;

        C  Ghica; M Valeanu, acceptat la publicare in Journal of Alloys and Compounds, noiembrie 2010




„Compozite structuri metal-organice poroase/structure de carbon pentru stocarea hidrogenului”, G. Blăniţă, D.M Lupu, A.R. Biriş, I. Mişan, G. Popeneciu, I. Coldea, O. Ardelean, A VIII-a ediţie a Salonului Internaţional al Cercetării, Inovării, Inventicii “PRO INVENT”, Cluj-Napoca, 16-19 martie 2010;


„Sinteza structurilor metal-organice prin activare cu microunde la presiune atmosferică”, G. Blăniţă, O.-N. Ardelean, D.M. Lupu, E. Surducan, G. Borodi,  I. Mişan,  I.-D. Coldea, A.-R.  Biriş, G. Popeneciu, V. Surducan, A VIII-a ediţie a Salonului Internaţional al Cercetării, Inovării, Inventicii “PRO INVENT”, Cluj- Napoca, 16-19 martie 2010;


„Prepararea compozitelor structuri metal-organice poroase/structuri de carbon”, G. Blăniţă, D.M. Lupu, O.-N. Ardelean, M.D. Lazăr, G. Borodi,  I. Mişan,  I.-D. Coldea, A.-R. Biriş, A VIII-a ediţie a Salonului Internaţional al Cercetării, Inovării, Inventicii “PRO INVENT”, Cluj- Napoca, 16-19 martie 2010;