Contract nr. 208/2006,





Prezentare generală






Colaborări externe




Ø      Lucrari publicate:

1.      Eunate Goiti, Rebeca Hernández, , Ruy Sanz, Daniel López, Manuel Vázquez, Carmen Mijangos, Rodica Turcu, Alexandrina Nan, Doina Bica, Ladislau Vekas, „Novel nanostructured magneto-polymer composites”, Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites 2, 5 (2006) 

2.      R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, O. Pana, I. Bratu, D. Bica, L. Vekas, O. Chauvet, Functionalized nanostructures with magnetite core and pyrrole copolymers shell, Journal  of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 3 (2007) 55

3.      O.Pana, N. Aldea,  R. Turcu, M. L. Soran , C. Leostean, O. Chauvet , C. Payen, E. Gautron , C.M. Teodorescu , Magnetic Composites between core-shell Fe@Au nanoparticles and polymers, Journal  of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 3 (2007), 96

4.      O.Pana, C. M. Teodorescu O. Chauvet, C. Payen, D. Macovei, R. Turcu,  M.L. Soran, N. Aldea, Structure, morphology and magnetic properties of Fe-Au core-shell nanoparticles, Surf.Sci., 601, 4352(2007)

5.      A.Nan, I. Craciunescu, A. Bende, R. Turcu, J. Liebscher, Synthesis and structure investigations of functionalized polypyrrole copolymers, Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 4/1, 3-12 (2008).

6.      D Dadarlat, C Neamtu, M Streza, R Turcu, I Craciunescu, D Bica and L Vekas, High accuracy photopyroelectric investigation of dynamic thermal parameters of Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 magnetic nanofluids, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, accepted 2008.

7.      V. V. Grecu, S. Constantinescu, Maria Nicoleta Grecu, Rodica Olar, Mihaela Badea and Rodica Turcu, Magnetic characterization of some nanometric iron oxides, Hyperfine Interaction, acceptata 2008.

8.      C. Mijangos, D. López, O. Pana, R. Turcu, “Magnetic nanoparticles and nanostructured polymer based magnetic composites”, Capitol in Nanofun-Poly White Book: “POLYMER NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE”



Ø      Comunicari la conferinte nationale si internationale:


1.      R. Turcu, I. Craciunescu, A. Nan, N. Aldea, O. Pana, M.L. Soran, D. Bica, L. Vekas, O. Chauvet, C. Payen, L. Barbu, „Conjugated polymer coated magnetic nanoparticles”, Workshop on „Nanofun-Poly Internal Research Projects”, 15-16 sept. 2006, San Sebastian, Spania

2.      R. TURCU, A. NAN, I. CRACIUNESCU, S. KARSTEN, O. PANA, I. BRATU, D. BICA, L. VEKAS, O. CHAUVET, D. EBERBECK, H. AHLERS, “Functionalized nanostructures with magnetite core and pyrrole copolymers shell”, “3rd International Symposium on Nanostructured and functional polymer-based materials and composites”, 12-16 mai 2007, Corfu, Grecia .

3.      O. Pana, I. Craciunescu, M.L. Soran, E. Goiti, R. Turcu, C. Mijangos, O.Chauvet, “Magnetic composites between core-shell Fe@Au nanoparticles and polymers”, “3rd International Symposium on Nanostructured and functional polymer-based materials and composites”, 12-16 mai 2007, Corfu, Grecia

4.      Alexandrina Nan, Izabella Craciunescu, Attila Bende, Rodica Turcu, Ioan Bratu, Jürgen Liebscher, Chemical preparation of functionalized polypyrrole,  “3rd International Symposium on Nanostructured and functional polymer-based materials and composites”, 12-16 mai 2007, Corfu, Grecia

5.      Izabell Craciunescu, Alexandrina Nan, Rodica Turcu, Lucian Barbu, Lo Gorton, Ionel Catalin Popescu , “New functionalized electrode based on azine and polypyrrole for amperometric biosensors”, “3rd International Symposium on Nanostructured and functional polymer-based materials and composites”, 12-16 mai 2007, Corfu, Grecia

6.      O. Pana, , O. Chauvet, C. Payen, E. Gautron, R. Turcu, C. M. Teodorescu, M.L. Soran, N. Aldea, “Synthesis and characterisation of the core-shell magnetic nanostructures with polymers”, IXth International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Cracovia Polonia, 8-12 iulie 2007 

7.      R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, O. Pana, D. Bica, L. Vekas, O. Chauvet, I. Bratu, L. Barbu “Nanocomposites based on functionalized polypyrrole and magnetic nanoparticles”,  IXth International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Cracovia Polonia, 8-12 iulie 2007

8.      A.Nan, R. Turcu, I. Craciunescu, S. Karsten, J. Liebsher, D. Bica, L.Vekas, D. Eberbeck, L. Trahms , “Core-Shell Structures Based on Functionalized Polypyrrole-Magnetic Nanoparticles”,  European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes 10 – 13 September 2007,  Nürnberg, Germany.

9.      R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, S. Karsten, J. Liebscher,  D. Bica, L.Vekas, D. Eberbeck and L. Trahms, “Functionalized Polypyrrole-Magnetic Nanoparticles Hybrid Core-Shell Structures”,  The 5th National Conference “NEW RESEARCH TRENDS IN MATERIAL SCIENCE”, ARM-5 Sibiu, 5 – 7 Sept., 2007

10.  R. Turcu, O. Pana, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, D. Bica, L.Vekas , “Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured magnetic composites”,  The 2nd Joint Seminar-School JINR-Romania on neutron physics for investigations of nuclei, condensed matter and life sciences, September 11-16, 2007, Baia Mare

11.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, J. Liebscher, O. Pana, D. Bica, L.Vekas, C. Mijangos “Comparative study of hybrid nanostructures polymer-magnetic nanoparticles”,  Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”,  Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007

12.  O. Pana, O. Chauvet, C. Mijangos, C. Payen, E. Gautron, R. Turcu, C. M. Teodorescu, M.L. Soran, N. Aldea , Core-shell magnetic nanoparticles with noble metals and polymeric composites,  Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”,  Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007

13.  Nicolae Aldea, Rodica Turcu, Alexandrina Nan, Izabella Craciunescu, Ovidiu Pana, Xie Yaning, Doina Bica, Ladislau Vekas , Dan Macovei , “Crystalline and electronic structure of the nanostructured Fe3O4 polypyrrole core-shell composites determined by XRD, XAS AND XPS”, Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”, Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007

14.  A.Nan, I. Craciunescu, A. Bende, I. Bratu, R. Turcu, J. Liebscher ,  “New strategies for development of functionalized polypyrrole”,  Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”,  Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007.

15.  Izabell Craciunescu, Alexandrina Nan, Rodica Turcu, Lo Gorton, Delia Gligor, Ionel Catalin Popescu  , Electrochemical studies of different functionalized polypyrrole, Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”,  Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007.

16.  C. Popa, R. Turcu, I. Craciunescu, A. Nan, M.L. Ciurea, I. Stavarache, V. Iancu , “Polypyrrole – porous silicon nanocomposites”,  Workshop “Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites”,  Cluj-Napoca, 21 sept. 2007.  

17.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, O. Pana, I. Bratu, D. Bica, L. Vekas, D. Macovei, J. Liebscher, Functionalized nanoarchitectures based on magnetic nanoparticles and pyrrole copolymers, Workshop on NANOFUN Internal Research Projects, Alicante, Spain, February 4-5, 2008.

18.  Rodica Turcu, “Hybrid nanostructures based on magnetic nanoparticles and functionalized polypyrrole”, Research opportunities at interface aspects between nanoporous, polymeric and magnetic materials IDECAT-MAGMANet –NANOFUNPOLY NoEs , Joint Workshop INSTM Firenze, Italy, 10-11 March 2008

19.  Rodica Turcu,  “Hybrid nanostructures based on magnetic nanoparticles and functionalized polypyrrole”, – Seminar University Perugia, Terni, March 10, 2008

20.  Carmen Mijangos, Rodica Turcu, “Nanostructured magnetic-polymer composites”,  Sixth Short Course on  NANOSTRUCTURED POLYMER MATERIALS: FROM CHEMISTRY TO APPLICATIONS, Terni, April, 13-15, 2008

21.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, J. Liebscher, I. Craciunescu, O. Pana, I. Bratu, D. Bica, L.Vekas , Surface modification of magnetic nanoparticles with biofunctionalized polypyrrole,  4th International Conference  on Nanostructured and Functional Polymer-based Materials and Nanocomposite, Rome, ITALY, April 16 - 18, 2008.

22.  O. Pana, R. Turcu, A. Nan, L.M. Soran, D. Bica, L. Vekas, Synthesis and characterization of bio-functionalized core-shell magnetic nanoparticles with substituted PPy, 4th International Conference  on Nanostructured and Functional Polymer-based Materials and Nanocomposite, Rome, ITALY, April 16 - 18, 2008.

23.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, O. Pana, I.Turcu, I. Craciunescu, C.V.L.Pop, I. Bratu, J. Liebsher, D. Bica, L. Vekas, Functionalized Conducting Polymer-Magnetic Nanoparticles Hybrid Nanocomposites with Tailored Electrical and Magnetic Properties, 3rd International Conference “SMART MATERIALS, STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS”, Acireale, Sicily, Italy June 8-13, 2008

24.  O. Pana, R. Turcu, M.L. Soran, A. Nan, O. Chauvet, C. Payen, E. Gautron, “Functionalized Nanostructures with Noble Metals Shells and Magnetic Cores”, 3rd International Conference “SMART MATERIALS, STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS”, Acireale, Sicily, Italy June 8-13, 2008

25.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, O. Pana, I. Craciunescu, “Novel functionalized magnetic-polymer hybrid materials”, EOARD (European Office of Aerospace and Development) workshop: “EXPLORING ROMANIAN RESOURCES IN MATERIALS RESEARCH”, July 7-8, 2008, Brasov

26.  O. Pana, R. Turcu, A. Nan, I. Craciunescu, D. Bica, L. Vekas, “Core-shell magnetic nanoparticles covered with functionalized polypyrroles”, Workshop on NANOFUN Internal Research Projects, Alicante, Spain, February 4-5, 2008.

27.  R. Turcu, A. Nan, O. Pana, I. Craciunescu, C. Payen, E. Gautron, O. Chauvet, “Hybrid nanostructures based on magnetic nanoparticles covered with functionalized pyrrole copolymers”, E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, Franta, 26 mai – 30 mai 2008

28.  O.Pana, R.Turcu, M.L.Soran, A.Nan, O.Chauvet, C.Payen, Functionalized core-shell magnetic nanostructures” , la E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg , Franta, 26-30 mai 2008.



Ø      Manifestari stiintifice organizate:


S-a organizat un workshop cu titlul "ADVANCED POLYMERIC NANOCOMPOSITES", 21 septembrie 2007 Cluj-Napoca, care a avut drept rezultat cresterea vizibilitatii grupului de cercetare din INCDTIM si dezvoltarea colaborarilor internationale in domeniul compozitelor polimerice.

Acest workshop-ul a permis realizarea schimbului de informatii stiintifice in domeniul compozitelor polimerice si stabilirea unor noi colaborari intre participantii din tara si strainatate. Participarea la acest workshop a unor parteneri din reteaua de excelenta PC6 NANOFUN-POLY a contribuit la consolidarea colaborarilor dintre grupul de cercetare din INCDTIM si ceilalti parteneri din reteaua PC6. La acest workshop au participat personalitati de prestigiu din strainatate cu rezultate remarcabile in domeniul polimerilor si nanocompozitelor polimerice: Prof. Miklos Zrinyi -University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Prof. Olivier Chauvet – Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel Nantes, Prof. Jurgen Liebscher – Institute of Chemistry, Humbold University Berlin. Aceasta manifestare stiintifica a oferit oportunitatea discutarii colaborarilor dintre INCDTIM si partenerii straini sub forma unor propuneri de proiecte in comun atat la PC7 cat si la PNCDII, Program Parteneriate.